The 7-Day Game Changer
~ Learn the secret healthy habits that make life so much easier ~
Does any of this resonate with you?..
- You genuinely DO want to change, but life just seems to get in the way...
- You know WHAT to do, yet some days it feels impossible to do it...
- You start every day with the best of intentions, yet the day just runs away from you...
- The ‘mental load’ most days is overwhelming...
- Are you tired of failing and then having to restart over again? Do you want to ensure you REALLY do achieve results this time?
- This programme is designed especially for you….
Having worked as a Wellness Coach for many years now, this is a total collection of everything I have learned, documented in one place.
We all know WHAT we should be doing, there has never been more information available on how to lose weight, yet there have never been higher levels of obesity (so clearly the problem isnt a lack of knowledge). This isn't a diet plan, it is a programme focusing on systems to support your time, mindset etc to support your changes and to help you see why you haven't been successful so far - which systems behind the scenes have been lacking?
Over 7 days i will teach you easy to follow strategies and methods to how you how to change that in the future
The Gut Solution
~ Heal Your Gut ~
Your gut is responsible for a strong immune system, prevention of major diseases and auto immune disorders, mood, sleep, weight loss and everything in-between..
Fix yours here with the ultimate plan...
Anyone experiencing problems with their gut health will know that years of issues cannot be un-done with simply eating a bit better. Inflammatory responses within the body go way deeper than just adding a bit more fruit/veg to your diet or starting probiotcs. Sometimes a full reset is required to rest and reset digestive health.
This programme has been written after I had an absolute nightmare with my own bloating and gut health DESPITE eating really well and living a very healthy lifestyle. I followed this procedure – it worked like a dream (I even made a full recovery from the dairy I was previously unable to tolerate) and I realised there are probably a lot of other people out there who would also benefit from a full reset. This plan is designed for people that despite looking after themselves, believe their gut health is poor. They maybe experiencing symptoms such as a constant low mood, poor immunity, depression/anxiety, sleep issues, autoimmune issues, migraines, brain fog, bloating, irregular toilet habits, tiredness and/or reflux. This gut reset will help you recover from past damage – sometimes called a ‘leaky gut’ and finally start to feel well again.
I hope you feel so much better soon! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: This plan is not designed replace medical advice, you should speak to your GP to rule out any other issues and use this plan in addition to medical protocol.
What You Will Get Today When You Order This Plan
- Elimination Diet Recipe Pack
30 recipes with full calorie and macro breakdowns.
- Four Week Meal Plan
This meal plan uses the recipes from the recipe pack and includes a full grocery list for each week.
- Approved Snack Guide
I am always asked which snacks are best. Use this guide for an easy explanation of go-to snacks during the elimination phase.
- Yes and No Food List
A simple guide of foods which will harm and those which will heal during this phase
- How To Guide
Understand why and how to do this elimination diet. This guide also helps with the reintroduction phase.
- Symptom Chart
Use this chart daily to track any reactions to food during the reintroduction phase.
What Recipes in This Bundle Include:
Clean protein such as beef, poultry, and fish.
Gut healing foods such as bone broth, garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar and more.
Variety to be sure you are meeting their micronutrient needs and getting plenty of anti-oxidants.
Simple meals that are easy to make.
Meal plan includes meal prep suggestions and a full grocery list for each week.
What Recipes in This Bundle Do Not Include
Gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts/seeds, grains, corn, soy, nightshades, and legumes (though the plan does include a guide on how and when to reintroduce these foods – abstaining is only temporary).
Harmful oils such as canola oil, vegetable oil, and processed seed oils.
Highly processed foods.
Complex meals that take hours to prepare.
Unusual ingredients that are difficult to find.